Welcome to SeanPROFIT
Greetings and welcome to the SeanPROFIT Options Trading Service website! We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and tell you a little bit about our trading programs. We have been trading stocks, ETFs, and options for more than 20 years.
SeanPROFIT developed simple trend following systems that trade with the trend. When the price trend is up we buy and when the price trend is down we sell short. Even though this concept sounds very simple, it is very elegant...and it works. Our trend following and option strategies produced 6 figures in profits last year alone, enabling the founders to quit their jobs and retire before age 50.
We all know the markets have been very volatile lately but this increased volatility has created some great trading opportunities. Our trend following programs have been taking full advantage of this increased volatility and have been on the right side of the trend in global markets. In our 20 years of trading experience there has never been a better time to profit from market trends than now.
Members of SeanPROFIT Options Trading receive access to an excluse service which provides trading recommendations for our trend following and option strategies. All recommended trading signals are posted on a 'Members Only' proprietary web page enabling you to benefit from the continued success of our trend following and option strategies.